
Michael Sanctioned by Russia

Recently, due to this Government’s and my own personal staunch support for the people of Ukraine in the face of unprovoked Russian aggression, I have been sanctioned by the Russian Government.

Michael Meets Northampton Ukraine Supporters

Recently I met a group of local Northampton residents who are originally from Ukraine and Lithuania and who have been making a real difference supporting people in Ukraine.


Michael Visits Northampton’s Salvation Army

Recently I met Captain Tim Stone MBA FCMI, an Officer at the Salvation Army in Northampton.


I have always been a great admirer of the work of the Salvation Army and have great respect for their work bringing communities together and helping the most vulnerable in society.

Michael Visits the Balkans on Ministerial Trip

For a few days recently when the House of Commons was not sitting due to the Easter break, I went on government business to the Western Balkan countries of Montenegro, Albania, and Kosovo.


Michael Visits University Of Northampton

In the past few days I was pleased to pay another visit to our local University to meet the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Nick Petford and some of his senior team..


Michael Signs Book of Solidarity for Ukraine

In Parliament recently I was pleased to add my name to the “Book of Solidarity for Ukraine”, initiated by the Speaker of the House of Commons, which will be sent to the Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada.



Michael Visits Northampton Sheltered Housing

On Friday 11th March, I was invited to visit Sheraton Close, a residential provider of independent retirement housing in the Headlands area of Northampton. Built in 1987, Sheraton Close currently has 57 bungalows, including mobility and wheelchair-standard properties.